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The Big 5 That Will Revolutionize How You See Your Life

How do you know if you’re successful?

Do you know the big 5 of Africa?

It’s about the 5 important animals people like to see on a safari (the term is actually based on the 5 most difficult animals to hunt). The more, the more successful the safari was. They are the elephant, the lion, the leopard, the rhinoceros, and the African buffalo.

John Strelecky wrote a book about the big 5 of life. And I want to tell you about it because it changed how I think about my life.

The interesting thing is that knowing your big 5 and the purpose of your life will also improve your productivity. I will tell you how.

The Big 5

Do you struggle with finding your purpose in life? It’s such an overwhelming term that will define your future. It keeps people procrastinating because they don’t want to make such a big decision.

The first thing to know: 
Your purpose and values in life can and will change with you.

If you write down your goals now, it doesn’t mean they will never change again. You are growing and improving, and your purpose and values will grow with you.

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up?

I liked geography in school, so I said I wanted to be a geographer. Then I googled what it actually means and changed my mind.

As you grow and explore the world, you will change your goals. Keep that in mind!

The big 5 in Africa are like a scale of the safari’s success. You can adapt this principle to your life:

What are the 5 values for your success?

Take a moment and think about it. Visualize your successful future. 
How do you measure it?

Mine are:

  • being inspiring: inspire people with my words and content
  • freedom: I decide how, where, and with whom I spend my time
  • being creative
  • being productive
  • having a loving family and spending time with them

Your values will differ from mine and that’s normal. Every person is unique and has their definition of success.

Growing up, we adapt to the definition of success given by our parents, teachers, or friends. And they got it from their experiences.

As a young adult, I worked on achieving society’s goals. It didn’t make me happy. Everyone is going through this phase of:

  • questioning your mindset
  • questioning society
  • rejecting the view of your parents
  • feeling lost
  • trying to figure out what you want in your life

We need this time to explore, fail, and figure it out. It’s called the 20s.

We get pressured to choose “the career of our lives” after high school, but the majority don’t even know what they like to do.

During my quarter-life crisis (at 22), I felt guilty for not choosing the right studies at 18. I thought I was too old to change.

I’m glad I decided against society’s rules of sticking to one job forever.

Your purpose in life

Your purpose in life is not coming to you like a lightning strike.

It’s about:

  • exploring life: books, people, museums, cities…
  • experiencing new things
  • working to get good at something
  • failing
  • establishing habits

Don’t pressure yourself to find it quickly. You will find it when you least expect it, and it can change every few years.

Do you know the stories about people who, in their retirement, find a new passion in wine, studying, or something else? They had a purpose in their jobs, but after they got some free time, they found something new.

Even though the job you are currently working in isn’t something you want to do forever, it can help you get to your vision of a successful future.

This perspective change happens when you know your purpose.

At the moment, my goal is to help 8 million young women grow into the best versions of themselves.

My full-time job is helping me get there by:

  • providing money to invest in myself and my online business
  • improving my skills and experiences in the field of architecture, which I need to open my own office
  • keeping me healthy by having health insurance, money to buy healthy food, and coaching

Instead of being in a bad mood on Sunday evenings, I use the energy for my online business. My perspective shift opens up energy and space for creativity and growth.

Improving productivity

Knowing your purpose changes your perspective. Thinking positively about your job because it helps you achieve your goal improves your productivity.

You are a one-person business working for one employer, which helps you by paying you money for your work.

With this shift, you like doing your work because you see the big picture.

By zooming out and knowing your purpose, you know what to focus on when zooming in. And you show the universe what will happen in the future, and it makes it possible.

  • With the universe’s help, you can achieve everything you set your mind to.
  • With primal trust, you can always find motivation and inspiration to be productive
  • Knowing your purpose in life, you are free of society’s influence
  • Knowing your purpose in life, you have intrinsic motivation, that you can use whenever you want to be productive
  • With your unique values and future vision, decision-making is easy

Starting my job a few weeks ago, I had my mind set on: “long hours sitting in the office dependent on other people”, but now, after reading the book and thinking about my purpose again, I think: “I’m grateful for having a steady job, which helps me to get a successful future.”

This tremendously improves my productivity at work and at home.

“I am ultimately responsible for me. My thoughts, my actions, my beliefs, my life… The more I understand, accept and embrace that, the more powerful I become”

— John Strelecky


The book “The Big Five for Life” by John Strelecky tells a story about an entrepreneur living by his purpose and big five, including in his companies.

With kindness and the knowledge of your definition of success, you don’t just transform your life for the better, but also everyone else’s around you.

After you finish reading this, I want you to take a few minutes and think about your big 5. Write them down!

And then don’t forget them!

I’m reminding myself daily as part of my morning routine.

Start being productive now!

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