How Creators Build on the Past to Create Unique Work
No building is original; it’s inspired by past work and knowledge There is nothing new happening. Creators are not inventors. Architects copy what works and make it their own and…
No building is original; it’s inspired by past work and knowledge There is nothing new happening. Creators are not inventors. Architects copy what works and make it their own and…
We are made for it, and here are the pros and cons I started to write online around two years ago. I found Medium, and I’m passionate about personal development.…
It’s time to break free from the chains of analysis paralysis I admit it. I’m a huge overthinker and overworrier. It’s a trait most of the introverts have. It’s a…
People don’t know me yet but the habit of writing is established It’s been 18 months since I started to write online and I cannot believe what I already achieved.…
People don’t know me yet but the habit of writing is established It’s been four months and I cannot believe what I already achieved. It’s not a big success yet…