This website is being provided and maintained by:

Company: Karina Ahrer

Owner: Karina Ahrer


Karina Ahrer, BBSc
Karl-Popper-Straße 5, 1100 Vienna, Austria
+43 660 1657 124
Self-employed writer

Purpose and Orientation
The content of the blog, products and website belong to Karina Ahrer. I reserve the right to censor or delete comments whenever I want – usually when they contain unwanted advertising or insulting text.

Standard settings of the weblog software WordPress, the services SumoMe and SubStack are used for email lists, and the hosting provider world4you is used regarding the privacy of your data. Refer to their websites for privacy conventions. Note that cookies are used by these services/programs for statistics and improvements of the user experience. For details, see their privacy statements again.

Please note that all personal data published on this site (especially those on this page) may NOT be used for commercial purposes/spam.

All images and text published on this site are by myself, or else the copyright is written there.
For commercial use of my content, feel free to get in touch with me.

General terms and conditions



1.1. For all contracts concerning the use of services, deliveries and other

performances that Ms. Karina Ahrer (hereinafter also referred to as the “contractor”) concludes with a customer (hereinafter referred to as the “contract partner”), these following General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “GTC”) apply exclusively. Any deviating terms shall only be deemed to be agreed if this has been agreed in writing between the contractor and the contract partner.

1.2. The GTC also apply to all future deliveries, services or offers to the contract partner, even if these are not agreed again separately.

1.3. The currently valid version of these General Terms and Conditions can be viewed and accessed at any time on the Internet at and is also available for download there or will be sent by the contractor upon request.


2.1. All information provided by the contractor to the Contracting Party regarding the services offered is non-binding and subject to change, in particular the services offered on the website

2.2. Binding offers from the Contractor can only be accepted by the Contracting Party in writing within the respective offer period.

2.3. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the documents relating to information on the respective services provided by the Contractor, such as performance details, delivery details, etc., are not considered to be specially guaranteed properties.

2.4. Any offers from the Contractor can only be accepted with regard to the entire service offered. If the declaration of acceptance by the contracting party deviates from the contractor’s offer, this deviating declaration of acceptance by the contracting party represents a new offer that can be accepted by the contractor.


3.1. The prices apply to the scope of services and deliveries listed in the respective contract. Orders for deliveries or other services that go beyond the scope defined in the contract (in particular additional or special services) will be invoiced separately.

3.2. All prices are in euros. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, price information is not to be understood as a flat rate.

3.3. Unless otherwise stated by the contractor, all prices stated are exclusive of all duties and taxes, in particular exclusive of statutory sales tax. Any duties and taxes will be invoiced additionally.

3.4. The contracting party must pay the costs of a third-party provider separately.

3.5. All prices are based on the fact that the services can be carried out continuously, unhindered and without interruption. Additional costs due to hindrances or interruptions to the continuous process for which the contractual partner is responsible will be invoiced separately to the contractual partner.


4.1. The fee is due immediately upon order, unless special payment terms are agreed in writing in individual cases. This also applies to the passing on of all cash expenses and other expenses.

4.2. Deliveries by the contractor remain the property of the contractor until the fee has been paid in full, including all ancillary liabilities. Any sale, pledging, rental, transfer of ownership as security or other transfer of the reserved property to third parties is prohibited. In the event of seizure or other use of the reserved property by third parties, the contractual partner is obliged to inform the contractor by means of verifiable written notification within 24 hours.

4.3. The assertion of the retention of title by the contractor does not constitute withdrawal from the contract unless the contractor expressly declares otherwise. Rather, in addition to the claim for return, the contractor retains the rights arising from the respective contract, in particular for compensation for damages and lost profits.

4.4. In the event of default by the contractual partner, statutory default interest applies. The assertion of further claims, in particular claims for damages, remains unaffected.

4.5. Furthermore, in the event of culpable default in payment, the contractual partner undertakes to reimburse the contractor for the reminder and collection costs incurred, insofar as they are necessary for the appropriate legal action and in an appropriate proportion to the action taken.


