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3 Strategies How I’m Maintaining High Energy As An Introvert In a Noisy World

I used to feel overwhelmed by noise until I learned how to manage my energy effectively

During a bustling conference, I realized the importance of energy management for my introverted self. Managing energy levels is essential for introverts to avoid exhaustion and burnout.

The world is too loud for introverts, so we need to take care of ourselves and our energy a little more. This doesn’t mean we cannot work full-time or party, but we just need some time for self-care afterward.

While extroverts gain energy from being out with people in a loud environment, it drains introverts.

Nobody can give 100% all the time. Our bodies need time for self-care to prevent burnout and sickness.

By learning effective energy management techniques, introverts can maintain their well-being and sustain productivity.

And there are 3 tips I give you today which I use weekly to maintain my energy. This is a big productivity lesson every introvert should know about because we need those downtimes to regain energy.

Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to recharge

  • find a quiet place at your workplace or go for a walk in your lunch break
  • if you feel overwhelmed: take a break and breath

Being at work the whole day is exhausting, with more than a few people in the room working, talking, and meetings.

I get distracted fast because I’m empathic, and I feel with the people when they talk to each other, even though I’m not part of the conversation.

In the first months of my current job, we didn’t have a proper meeting room. So the online meeting was at someone’s workplace, and you could listen to it without actively participating.

I just couldn’t concentrate at all, especially when someone was yelling or there was a big discussion happening. Even though I was not part of the meeting, I wasted time doing nothing because I was so distracted.

Those days are exhausting, especially for introverts.

We like to work in silence without any interruptions. That’s how I’m getting into the flow state and getting a lot done.

It’s the reason I’m currently working on my master’s thesis from home, and why I was never the kind of student who studied at university.

If you need to be at work and you are exposed to the loud world the whole day, I recommend you find a quiet place at work or go for a walk during your lunch break.

Take a break, breathe, and find some quiet time.

Doing this regularly can help you not get overwhelmed by the noises, talks, and stress.

But if you get overwhelmed, at some point, take a few deep breaths and focus on them. Your heart stops racing and you can think again, instead of being in survival mode.

Prioritize alone time to maintain energy levels

To maintain your energy levels, you cannot be outside with people every day 24/7.

When I go to conferences over the weekend with my student organization, it drains my energy a lot because I’m with people almost 24/7.

Even though those weekends are for getting to know each other and participating in workshops, I take some time for myself in the breaks to calm down.

Otherwise, I will not have the energy to talk with anyone anymore. And that’s also not what I want.

Introverts need to find extra quietness to maintain their energy levels. We need to prioritize alone time every week.

When I get invitations, I usually check my calendar first before saying yes or no. If the week is already half full of after-work meetups, parties, or meetings, I’m not gonna say yes.

I’m prioritizing my alone time over being at every party.

Every week I’m planning ahead, and I’m consciously taking some days off (in the sense of not doing anything in the evening…) to be at home.

But if there is a lot happening in a week and you can’t say no (those times happen), then I go home earlier to have some energy left for the next day.

If there is no way you can say no to anything, maybe this is for you:

In the last 2 years, I’ve established a morning routine. I wake up a little earlier (like 30 minutes to an hour) to have alone time.

Mornings are quieter; nobody wants to reach you (because they are sleeping), and you can meditate in silence or read.

With my morning routine, every day starts with relaxation and focus on myself. This is the time I couldn’t find before in my busy life.

I was studying, working part-time, and leading a student organization, and I lacked some alone time.

My morning routine helps me find that time, and I use it for meditating, visualizing, reading, exercising, and writing.

Like Richard Whately said,

“Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it”

Engage in low-stimulation activities

Use the hour you get in the morning for low-stimulation activities. The silence is perfect for that.

You can do some:

  • reading
  • writing
  • meditation
  • walking (in a quiet environment)
  • hiking
  • running

Add one of those things as a habit into your life. Just for you.

When I introduced writing to my life I thought I only did that to earn some money online, but it helps me sort my thoughts and talk about the topics I’m interested in.

So I encourage you to try something new because you will never know if you like it unless you try it.

When I was a kid I hated reading, I thought it was boring. Until I found a book and a topic I was interested in, and since then I’ve been addicted.

Those are just 2 things from my life I never thought would be a big part of my life. And now I love them.

Find some alone time and try some low-stimulation activity.


The world is over-stimulating our senses, and introverts are more sensitive.

It took some adjustments but I’m happy I found strategies to maintain my energy levels. Before that, I didn’t have energy left on the weekends.

I want you to live your life with a lot of energy daily instead of sleeping 1 day and being 150% active the next.

Take care of yourself, your stress and energy levels!

Start being productive now!

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